I apologize for not updating yesterday, all five of my potential readers I'm sure are terribly disappointed. I humbly beg for forgiveness for taking advantage of their baited breath waiting.
So yesterday I awoke and realized right away that I forgot to close my browser on my computer so when I awoke, there before me stood my arch nemesis; pointless information. I actually held my hand in front of my face like one would if they had been ambushed by someone with a flashlight in a dark room as I reached out and closed the browser. "Well, why the hell do you still have a network connection you goon?", you might ask. Quite simple. I lost my thumb drive. Instead of loading the word documents onto a thumb drive and sticking them in my roommates slot...
Wow, double entendre. I should pencil in emotional maturity as one of the many projects for this month....
Back to the story...I am going to simply share my updates over the home network. That way she can just upload them from there.
I managed to get dressed and ready for work that morning without having to stop to make sure someone had responded to anything that I had intelligently quipped. As most people compliment their own intelligence and wit, I refuse to let that rest on any laurels but my own. Since I had more free time in the morning I was not rushed and the dogs got to spend an adequate amount of time sniffing the same bush that has been outside the door for the past six months
Of course when I arrived at work I faced the same issue of looming web browsers. This one, instead of being the dating site www.okcupid.com,which was the morning ambush at home, was a lovely news article that was half read before I darted out the door of work. I sighed and closed that tab feeling like I had suffered media coitus interruptus.
Most of the morning was filled with actual work of resetting Outlook, unlocking accounts, and explaining in polite ways that forgetting your password for the fourth time this week is by no means an indicator that you are senile, mentally deficient, or a government employee. We have a lot of free time at work that is usually filled with chit chat between workers, working on side projects, reading news articles or Lolcats, and mine was spent trying to figure out why my antiquated external hard drive was not working. When I say antiquated, I mean that as generously as saying rotary phones still serve some sort of purpose still. I am sure of that fact as I still hear automated systems kindly taking the concerns of ninety year old former Central Bell employees with the same phone they bought in 1962 into consideration.
To return to the central point of this, I in a classic facepalm incident, had realized the plug for the drive was plugged into a dead outlet only when I had returned home for lunch.
After lunch I kept myself busy with going through files on the drive deleting unnecessary files. Long dead backups of old computer profiles from 2003, links to websites lost to the posterity of time, (excuse me while I file dump one for my dead homiepages, respect brothers), a few music doubles, and the failed ebook format of .pdf's.
I had once downloaded every Shadowrun book in the off chance I might ever play that game. Unfortunately that would have required me to find someone who was willing to run a game that required a archivists skill in record keeping and a corporate middle managers love of micromanagement. I still enjoy reading the rather detailed world the writers had created for this cyberpunk dystopia pen and paper role playing game, and wish that video game makers would spend even half the amount of time creating such a detailed universe. One has to appreciate labors of love that go to explain such useless details as why fashion, food, entertainment, money, and politics in the year 2070 are the way they are. It requires a true love of the worlds one creates in their mind, a passion for writing, and enjoyment of one's work. Unfortunately, I care nothing of running a character sheet that is more than six pages long. How can you expect me to keep track of that much detail when I forget regularly which pocket my lighter is in?
So Shadowrun, as much as I love your universe and creativity, you must be consigned to the rubbish heap of the Recycle Bin.
After stopping by the drugstore on the way home to flirt with the clerk and get me a bag of M&M's, I came home to frustrated confusion. Normally I sit down almost right away and read all the Not Safe For Work links I couldn't at work, the Youtube videos I couldn't watch, and check my dating websites. Trust me, I'll return to that. I actually can't remember what I did right away when I got home, which bothers me. I think I finally shorted out at that point. My life has become so reliant on Internet habits for me to diverge from it actually causes my brain to shut down to defend myself. I know I didn't get on the Internet as I'm almost sure I immediately took the dogs out and smoked a cigarette with my roommate who was home.
Later I watched some Star Trek: Enterprise with my room mates and returned to Grand Theft Auto IV and played on that till about 2 AM.
For a first day I did ok, but I think I haven't seen the beginnings of boredom or withdrawal.
This is going to be interesting.
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