Friday, April 8, 2011

403 or 404, whats worse?

So my room mate brought up a good point, am I just replacing one waste of time with another.  I have been watching a lot of movies and t.v. shows to fill up my time.  The worst part of the day is when I get home and have nothing to do.  A few days this week I have come home and cooked dinner right away so that filled up the immediate arrival when I get home, yet that only lasted so long.  Filling up time at work is easy because, well, I work.

Its the unplanned time that is killing me. 

Time when we are not obligated to do things leaves us free to do whatever we want, within the confines of the law, our relationship with God, how much time you want to spend in confession, sobering up, or apologizing to everyone on your Facebook for things you don't remember doing but have the bruising to vouch for.  Most of the time I fill this obviously with the internet.  Sweet juicy, nubile, internet.  Why I can almost see its dewy white hairs on the back of it's neck as I lean in to smell its arrousal.  As I close in, I nuzzle it and turn my head slightly to nibble its earlobe and then...

God I need to get laid.

Anyway, it's a valid point, I can't allow myself to replace one time wasting habit with another.  I know there is this quote who's author escapes me now, but they said, "Time enjoyed is not time wasted."  That's nice and cute, but when all your time is wasted, then no matter how much time is enjoyed, it looses it's value.  Besides, how sure are you that you are enjoying it?  If the thought passes your mind just once that you should be doing something else, be it washing dishes, walking the dog, or learning to crochet, then your time would be more valuable doing that.  If all your time is nothing but watching movies or reading books, it doesn't matter how much knowledge you accumulate with it, if you don't put it to good use, or temper it.  What honest good does knowing Captain Kirk's cabin number do you if you are not using that as a minor plot point in the novel you are writing, perhaps the script you are writing for a rebooted t.v. show, or maybe hanging out with a large group of friends in a place other than your parents basement.  Yeah, I said it.  Trekkies are basement dwellers.  I'm allowed to say that, I know all the listed names of Enterprise captains:  Archer, Pike, Kirk, Dekker, Harriman, April, Spock, Garrett, Jellico, Picard and Riker.  I set that shit for stun, bitches!
I know learning all this stuff is fun, but if it is all you do is accumulate the knowledge you can't use for something that gives some sort of value to your life other than temporary enjoyment, it holds no value.  I mean this in the sense that, if all you have is paper, but no pencil, or perhaps all you have is cash but no goods to buy then what value does it have?  I guess what I am say is, "Turn off the damn thing and go outside."  What good is knowing this stuff, it you can't use it to expand on your life with friends, fun, a hobby where you build things and share it?  Enjoy yourself, but have something else to do with yourself!

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