Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Zero Up Zero Down FAQ's

So here is the FAQ on how this is all going to work.

1.)  Starting at 12:00 A.M. Friday morning all communications to anything that has an ip address.  This includes anything on the internet via computer or my android phone as well as XBox Live.

2.)  I cannot access the internet for anything that is not an "emergency".  An emergency would include; booking a flight to another state for a funeral, finding the nearest zombie shelter, or finding a good attorney on those inevitable misdemeanor charges for assault as I do not trust day time television.  An emergency does NOT include; finding numbers to alternate pizza places than my usual, signing up for that groupon that I really want, paying bills, shopping of any kind, no torrents for that album I just have to have.  None of that.

C.)  I will use this opportunity to help my organization skills.

4.)  This blog will continue to be updated hopefully more than once a day.  I will write all of my posts in word and then give them to my roommate who will post them to this blog.  I will not be updating this blog personally.

5.)   ??

6.)  Profit?


So, Im posting an AMA about this on Reddit.  Why would I do that?  Mostly to help myself with accountability.  John Donne is right, no man is an island, at best an archipelago if anything.  I think that by putting this out there I will be responsible to other people, which is odd because part of the reason I am doing this whole this is to maybe reach back out to people in real life.  Weeee, contradictions are awesome.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Would you like to know more?

Probably the hardest parts of this project in self discovery, or self immolation, depending on how one looks at it, is trying to determine the appropriate time and day to start, what the hell to do with myself when I do, and what sort of restrictions do I have?

I originally wanted to start this on the first of this month, but I wanted to have some depth in the posting roster before I took to the mound, however as you can plainly see, that panned out marvelously. Its all part of a larger idea of procrastination I think.  Sitting down in front of a computer is procrastination away from doing all the things I should be doing; exercising, drinking, socializing, reading, drawing, writing, drinking, learning how to code, learning how to dance, drinking, learning a new hobby, um...drinking. 

Wait, why the hell am I talking so much about drinking?  I haven't touched alcohol since New Years and that was a glass of wine.  What the hell, man?  I'm trying to be edgy and stuff.  If I do that again, please slap me.  Hard.


So, I keep putting this thing off, with new and more inventive excuses.  I guess I need to set up a definite date for when I am going to start doing this.  Maybe I should start this on the 1st of April?  It will give me plenty of time to get things in place to do when I unplug that internet.  It is also nicely symbolic of the foolishness of this endeavor.  You know the longest I have gone without internet since about 1997?  Six months.  That's right, six months.  That was how long I was in Iraq, yep.  It took a war to cut off my internet access.  Alas, I digress.  April is a 30 day month, it ends on a Saturday and starts on a Friday.  So I will have a nice weekend to get over the twitchiness, and weekend at the end to gorge.  So lets set it here and now, I'll start on April Fools Day at exactly midnight.  Huzzah and all that. 

Well, now that that's settled.  Tomorrow we will talk about what kind of activities I have planned for that month, and then we can talk about what the rules are and such.

Mark Twain was not a Blogger.

If I'm supposed to be keeping a blog about me quitting the internet for a month for the sake of posterity, I should really try to keep up with it.  I think Mark Twain predicted blogging 150 years ago with this quote,

If you wish to inflict a heartless and malignant punishment upon a young person, pledge him to keep a journal a year.
 Yep, sounds about right.   Then again, Mark Twain was a cantankerous fart.

Whats interesting is, is Twain wrote that in 1869, an era noted for its general lack of idleness.  I mean they didn't exactly have indoor plumbing and auto service centers.  You had to use hand pumps, straight razors, feed and shovel out your pimpin ride, and undo corsetry for the sake of bumping the unbathed uglies.  Mind you corsets require amazing patience and strength to endure, and only the members of the warrior classes can properly use them as a sexual tool.  If such a hardy folk as those who were building railroads over the Rocky Mountains, rebuilding their sacred racist institutions to endure for 100 years more, and beating the bejeezus out of each other in 90 round bare knuckle boxing matches could not maintain a simple diary, what hope does my technology induced ADD self have?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Post with No Name.

Told you I have an addiction. I haven't revisited this blog in a week because I became distracted. I found out all of season 5 of Futurama was now on Netflix streaming, I watched all the episodes in two sittings over two nights. Yes, about 7 hours in two sittings in the evening over two days. What else did I do with my evening? I can't really remember. I think that there was some cooking at some point but I'm not sure. I know I got up to go smoke, that's clearly apparent as I have had to buy more cigarettes. Yep, another addiction.

I spent the rest of the week playing my MMO, for something on the order of about 14 hours this weekend. Monday I spent an inappropriate amount of money on a new Android phone, so as to have access to things I couldn't at work...meaning YouTube videos. This of course means that I will probably be borrowing money again at the end of the month from my friends just to eat and put gas in my car. I got into more debates on Reddit, that's no surprise.

Let me explain to you why I debate on the internet now so we don't have to revisit it later on, though I'm sure we will.

I spent most of my youth (yes, I'm 33 and call it my youth) studying politics, warfare, military history, history in general, archaeology, anthropology, nuclear warfare (I consider this seperate from military stuff as it's practically is a study in national insanity), and other topics that aren't really great cocktail conversations on the patio. I would go so far as to call my prefered subjects of studies, "downers." Yet, I love them. Nothing will get a rise out of me like a heated debate about the Constitution, the history of the Revolution and the nations foundations, military policy, global politics, or anything of it's kind. When someone asks me about it, I perk up and I jabber on and on, incessantly until someone has to force the conversation away. You know how some people talk to themselves in the mirror? I do that, but I'm actually giving lengthy lectures about the recent recession, or the current wars, and on and on.

The problem here is though, no one really brings that up around me. I'm sure if I worked for a think tank, or was still in the army, or was a college student or professor, I would be talking about this with many peers and colleagues, but there is no one. So I go to the internet. On the internet, I can have my opinions validated, debated, I can share what I know, "school" someone in a subject I know better than them, and so on. I love to share the conversation with my friends who tease me about it, but I persist. Why? It's the only place I can feel like I have something to say and people will listen.

I think that's important to a lot of people. They want to be heard. Not listened to, but heard. They want someone to validate their existence, feelings, and thoughts. However in this world that we have created, if you can't say it in two sentences that are controversial, or packaged right, no one will hear you. Those precious few people who listen to you are like treasures to be hoarded like a leprechauns treasure. They are just so hard to find though. We are to busy with the next RSS feed, the next sound clip, the new top 40, the new blog post, the new tweet with nothing relevant said, to actually stop to listen. Every one of us knows someone who constantly has their Borg implants in, those blue tooth headsets crammed in their ear to catch that next great call or perhaps those white sensory deprivation buds we cram in our ears, those artificial barriers that even 30 years ago were rare enough to force conversation, "Say man, what is that thing?!" Now we ignore it. We can even be sitting down with friends or loved ones to eat at a restaurant and while you are sharing details of a great real world experience, they are checking into foursquare and giving that answer we perfected speaking to our parents in our teens, "Uh huh."

I complain so vociferously about this because, well, that's me. Not in the sense of the friend at dinner buried in their cell phone, but in the larger sense of that is how I live my life. I go to my computer and, "Uh huh," life. I think that is how a lot of addictions work. It's a way of avoiding paying attention to life. You bury yourself in distractions so that you don't have to face the harder challenges of having to be hurt by other people, have to feel a connection to other people, to feel validated, to feel good, to seek refuge.

Mine is here on the internet, attempting to connect to people through something you really can't connect with people through.